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How to Use A Dental Lab Amalgamator Easily

Depending on who you ask, some would say that the way of the dental amalgamator is coming to an end. However, many dentists still have them in their offices and use them in their practices daily. Also, more advanced technology keeps putting out new and improved dental amalgamators, which would make one think that these are still going to be around for a long time.

Dentists use a dental lab amalgamator to make amalgam, or fillings. This practice continues because it is safe, even with the minute amount of mercury used, it is far less expensive, sometimes by up to 35% less then ceramic or resin fillings, it is easy to use, it is stronger than ceramic or resin fillings, and they are more durable. Some people can have amalgam fillings in their teeth with no issues with the fillings for over fifty years. The biggest controversy over them is that there is mercury that is being used and put into the patients tooth. No one can dispute that, but any risk that may be carried by having one of these fillings in your teeth is minimal.

The dental lab equipment such as dental amalgamator, or some refer to it as a triturator, is a machine that has been specifically designed to triturate mercury with at least one other dental alloy to produce a silver filling, which is then used as a restorative material. Triturate is the word to describe the process for minimizing the particle size of a substance. This is done by grinding them, similar to a mortar and pestle. The filling is made by combining particles of mercury with particles of another alloy. It is most often used in the field of dentistry when it comes to restoration work, specifically for filling cavities.

Dental amalgamators are readily available through online dental equipment companies. Whether you have a cavity for the first time, or need to replace one that has chipped, make your appointment as soon as possible to prevent any further issues. This equipment is available in a single speed version, or multiple speeds. The multi-speed models would have speed levels of slow, medium and fast, with variable frequency levels as well. Some come with pre-programmed settings, depending on what materials you are using. The most important thing to remember is that the machine needs to be set for the correct type of alloy that is being used. In this case, having a machine that already has this information programmed into the system can save quite a bit of time. Another thing to remember is that the higher the speed or frequency will mean a shorter trituration time.

Just as there are multiple styles and types of amalgamators, their range in cost is also something that varies. Don't let that hinder your decision. The beauty of this type of equipment is really how reliable and basic it is, which is helpful when it comes to any needed repairs. When service is needed on this type of machine, it is generally very inexpensive, with usually only minor fixes or repairs that are needed with normal wear and tear.
